Being A Woman

It almost seems a sin not to write a blog post on Women’s Day! I absolutely love being a woman. To me, a woman is like the sky; everchanging, yet constant, mysterious, stormy, peaceful and a glimpse of heaven! I love the fact that I can feel so deeply, that I can cry with someone…

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What being a woman means to me.

Someone asked me, “If you could choose, would you rather be a woman or a man?” I didn’t hesitate, “ Oh a woman, definitely a woman. In this life and all the lives to come!” I know this post is a little late for women’s day, but it’s still this month! So I decided to…

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Interview with Kiran Manral

On the 15th of May, Just Books Library, Thane had organised a book reading and signing of Kiran Manral’s latest book, “The Face At The Window”.  I had the privilege of interviewing  Ms. Kiran Manral on this occassion. The cosy atmosphere of the library set the tone for a friendly chat rather than a formal…

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Maya Angelou

This year is a very special year for me. I call it  “my year of awesomeness”  and one of the things that I have done to make it really awesome, is to surround myself with things and people that really mean something to me and rid my life of things that take away from my…

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