She looked down at the coffin, and then at the mourners around; the friends, family, neighbours who had all come to console her in her grief. She looked at them as if through a veil, from somewhere far, far away. She could barely take it in. He lay in the coffin, still and dead, helpless,…
Read moreWorld Poetry Day 2025
Today is World Poetry Day, and the theme for this year is “Poetry as a bridge for peace and inclusion”. I think this is a wonderful theme and something that is so needed in the world right now. Everywhere you look, everything you read, all you hear around you, is hate hate hate; anger, anger,…
Read moreBeing A Woman
It almost seems a sin not to write a blog post on Women’s Day! I absolutely love being a woman. To me, a woman is like the sky; everchanging, yet constant, mysterious, stormy, peaceful and a glimpse of heaven! I love the fact that I can feel so deeply, that I can cry with someone…
Read moreIs Anyone Ever Ready?
Image by Rebecca Scholz from Pixabay My nephew got married on the 15th of this month. I remember the day he was born. We were so excited to see him. A tiny little bundle wrapped up in a baby blanket. And now here he was, all suited and booted, ready to walk down the aisle. Looking at him,…
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