Someone asked me, “If you could choose, would you rather be a woman or a man?” I didn’t hesitate, “ Oh a woman, definitely a woman. In this life and all the lives to come!”

I know this post is a little late for women’s day, but it’s still this month! So I decided to write about what being a woman means to me and why, in spite of all the inequality and unfairness, being a woman is so wonderful.

As they say, everyone, yes everyone,  has both masculine and feminine traits in them. In some people the masculine is dominant, and in some the feminine, irrespective of gender. So I guess, I should actually say, I love being feminine. And no, it’s not a frilly, cute, pink feminism, though I have no problems with that. 

For me being feminine means being creative, a creator. It means giving birth; not just to a human baby, but to ideas, to emotions, to art, to love.Being feminine is mystical, magical, mysterious. (Remember, men claim they can never understand women?!)

Poem Being a woman from my book Who Shall I be today

Being feminine means listening to my intuition, not just hard facts. It means understanding what is not said more than what is said. It means communicating and reaching out to others. Being a woman means having an infinite capacity to love and to be compassionate. It means wiping tears and healing with a hug, or by just accepting people as they are.

It is creating harmony, promoting peace; rising up from the ashes and healing others with our tears. ( I am convinced the phoenix is feminine.)

It means being true to myself, my emotions, my awesomeness in all its imperfections.  

Yes, I can be soft and loving, but I can turn into a tigress if I feel my cubs are threatened.  

I enjoy my power and sensuality. I enjoy my playfulness and yet will  stand firm in what I believe. 

While I can do most things on my own, I admit I love it when I don’t have to; when I can hand over some tasks to the men in my life.

 I love the fact that there are so many facets, so many nuances to me.

Yes, I love being a woman!

I have shared my journey as a woman in my book,”Who Shall I Be Today.” If you would like to win a copy in the women’s day givewaway, just click on the link here

2 Replies

  1. Bravo, Sunita! I’m so glad you wrote this post. What a beautiful summing up of the essence of being a woman! I could relate to everything you said. It’s not often that we ponder upon what it means to be a woman but like you said, if given a choice, I’d definitely choose to be one.

  2. Even, I would like to be a female. As a woman, we are indeed intuitive, creative and nurturing. I wouldn’t want to give that away. Thank you for this lovely post. This is one post that is worth “womne’s day”

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