A Mother’s Fears

Ever since my parents have moved back to within a few blocks from me, I make it a point to visit them as often as I can. I must admit, I enjoy bouncing ideas off them and getting their opinion about what I should write about. These are pleasant evenings spent in their company and…

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Why Kids Don’t Come With Instruction Manuals.

She came to pick her little daughter up from my language development class. And she looked harassed. Now, she is normally not a mother to look like that, so I asked her what was wrong. “Sunita,” she said, almost in tears, “I feel like such a bad mother. I don’t know what to do.” “Why?…

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My daughter, a wife!

I can still remember your first kick, The wonder of that tiny bubble of a movement within me, The love that flooded my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I remember how you would wake up, With a cheerful toothless smile, Bringing sunshine to my day Your first words, your first steps, The first…

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And You Fly!

When we talk of letting our kids fly, I never realised it would be so literal. Here we are at the airport, each fighting a million emotions. You seem so calm as you look at the doors to the terminus and say, “So guys, I guess this is it!” And then you let out your…

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