My Quarter of Learning

And we finally come to the last quarter of the year. The quarter where we revisit our goals and start thinking about what our “Word for the Year” 2022 should be. But I can’t move into the next quarter if I don’t look at this, the third quarter of 2021.

All things considered, I think this third quarter has been pretty great. If I had to give it a name, I would call it “my quarter of learning”, and when I link that with my phrase for this year, “My Way”, it seemed a quarter just waiting to happen.

When I talk of learning, I mean my own personal quest; my search for myself and this quarter was all about that. For the first time, in a very long time, I moved out of silent lonely introspection, to join a group of people who were all eager to open up to new things in their lives. The two courses that I joined and that made a huge difference in my life were Miracles Program by Ishieta Chopra and Story Visioning by Nidhi Bruce. Each course was so awesome in its own way that I would be doing the creators a grave injustice by writting about both courses in just one blog post.

So let me share my experience of the Miracles Program by Ishieta Chopra, since that was the programme I did first.

Who is Ishieta?

Ishieta Chopra is one half of the mother daughter duo Isheeria. Her mother Neera, is a well known Astro-Numerologist, Reiki Master and Feng Shui consultant. Ishieta was introduced to the world of Healing, Numerology and Magick at her mother’s knees. Along with a corporate career she is answering the call of her higher self to help people redesign and heal their lives through Numerology, Reiki, Tarot and Angel Readings. You can read more about her on their website or on her Instagram page or join her daily tarot group here

What is the Miracles Program all about?

This is a two month programme conducted via a Whatsapp group, which covers manifesting miracles and abundance in your life. Besides this she also teaches you how to cleanse , energise and empower your space to welcome miracles into your life. Small daily tasks and the weekly affirmations and meditations helped us keep on track.

The weekly Zoom meetings helped us get to know each other and we also learnt from each other’s experiences. I know I have made some friends who are going to be in my life forever.

What the programme did for me.

The Miracles Program by Ishieta opened my mind to possibilities. I learnt to trust the universe and I found miracles occuring in my everyday life that amazed me.

It took just 15 to 20 minutes a day to do the journaling and/or meditations so I did not feel overwhelmed. The cleansing and energising of my physical space made a huge difference to my overall energy levels and I am able to accomplish so much more in a day.

Thank you Ishieta for this wonderful course. Blessed be!

Sunita learning , ,

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