Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It’s that time of the year when we go ecstatic over the variety of planners we can choose from and start thinking of the goals we document in them.  It’s that time of the year to look back and look forward. To acknowledge our achievements and failures of the last year and resolve to do better in the coming year. It’s that time of the year to mull over what you should choose as your word of the year.

This year I looked at the lessons learnt in 2020 to choose my woty.  After a lot of soul searching I realized I wanted something that reminds me that  I own the day and that I don’t have to be a slave to a timetable.

After serious thought,  I  dismissed “freedom ” and “ownership” and settled on a phrase rather than just one word. This year it’s going to be “My way!”.

This is because this year has taught me that I do not have to fit into a mould. I do not have to do things the way others do them. 

This year, at the beginning of the lock down, I used to make detailed lists of what I had to do in a day and very religiously I did them all; a morning routine, a cleaning routine,a cooking routine. And for sometime it gave me a feeling of control and all was well. But what I did not take into account was that that was not who I was. I soon started feeling trapped by a time table and my creative pursuits went for a toss. I hardly wrote anything during this time. 

Soon I started falling behind my tasks and it hit me hard. I started obsessing over things I had not completed rather than celebrating what I had achieved. 

I also realised that I had to accept myself; my weaknesses and my strengths. I had to accept the fact that I am not a hustler. I need time and space in order to function. And muddling around as I do my work is perfectly okay.

If  I probably plan to do ten tasks a day, only five may get done and that is perfectly okay. I need to appreciate that I did those five tasks. 

The best part is that when I do things my way, I am loved and cherished. People value my opinion. My students love my classes.  I have started appreciating that I am a wonderful person and don’t need to prove myself to anybody.

So this year I am going to listen to that inner voice that says, “You be you and I will be me and we will be the best we, we can be!”

Sunita #woty , ,

12 Replies

  1. Like Sunita, your WOTY reminded me of that lovely song. Great choice for 2021 and I love the reasons you mentioned for choosing this. I’m not a list person too and I’ve accepted that and it makes life easier too. May 2021 be everything wonderful, Sunita.

  2. Absolutely loved how you came up with your WOTY, Sunita! ‘My Way’ has a certain sense of empowerment and I think that’s exactly how we all should feel about the way we live our lives and control our time. I’ve been the exact same as you for the first half of 2020 and then, felt the need to push myself out from my routine-bound life into creatively expressing all the angst and the dissatisfaction into something better and beautiful. I hope more people follow suit and do things their way.

  3. Certainly the year 2020 taught us not to be slaves of time. I realised it as well. Just running around was not helping me at all. The lockdown gave me time to pause, think what I really like to do, which friends I really like to spend my time with and how important my relationships are for me.

    I have cut down on my to do list too. I have realised the importance of the present. Life has certainly changed now and I know what I want from it. And In will strive to achieve it ‘My Way’. Hope you do that too, Sunita. My Way is the best way. Wishing you the very best for 2021.

  4. MY WAY! I know how much I need that, too. Apart from saying YES to me and my thoughts and feelings, I also need to do things my way. 🙂 coz if not now, then when?
    Loved the last line <3

  5. I am sure Sunita, you will have wonderful discoveries in the year ahead with the light from your phrase of the year, ‘my way’, guiding your journey.
    Wishing you all the success in your own special way.
    Merry Christmas and Happy new year.

  6. It’s really wonderful to appreciate yourself and look after yourself. My way is a favourite song of mine …… hope 2021 is kind to you and your family. Good luck -take care . Merry Christmas and happy new year

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