Photo by David Rico on

I look out of the window and I see his face. He seems to be mocking me. My legs give way and I stagger back to my bed. The next time I wake up it is dark outside but still he stands there in my line of vision.

Why does he torment me so? Why does he remind me that he and I no longer share the same relationship we once had? 

Once I took him for granted, assuming he would always be around, but these last few months have taught me that nothing is permanent. And I have had to evaluate so many things in my life. 

But then I realise, that I still do have my life, I am alive, despite the weeks in the hospital and the ignominy of being intubated. I am alive!

I run back to the window, feeling a sudden rush of blood to my head as I do. Yes, the doctor warned me to move slowly till I was totally recovered. But I needed to see his face and there he was as faithful as always. Now he did not seem to mock me but smiled encouragingly. As I looked at the clock tower outside my window, I knew that time was always with me, I just had to make the best use of it. 

This flash fiction is written in response to the forty first edition of Fiction Monday hosted on Reflections by Vinitha Dileep.  I chose the picture prompt . If you like it, do say so in the comments. I would love to hear from you.

Sunita Life

20 Replies

  1. That was a wonderful twist, Sunita. I loved the ending.
    So happy to see your story for #FictionMonday. I hope to read many more from you, Sunita. ❤

  2. Such an inspiring and beautiful story of self-discovery! The mind is so much more powerful than the body right? Loved the ending.
    You must write more fiction, Sunita. 🙂

  3. Lovely. Indeed we take life for granted and most of all , time..the good times and the bad times. How true ! We need to value our good times and learn our lessons from the bad times …
    How easily we take these for granted..
    Nicely expressed❤

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