
“Hey, Ma! I’m here. Where are you?” Raina called out as she let herself into the house. “ In here, in the living room.” her mother replied.  Raina walked into the living room and stopped short. Her mother was standing in front of a painting, a finger on her lips, her head tilted as she…

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Letting Nature Be

She stands in the garden quietly breathing in the fresh air. There is no one around at this time of the morning. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting a gentle glow in the eastern sky. A soft breeze rustles the leaves as if whispering good morning to the world.  The birds start chirping….

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A way out

I have written this poem in response to the picture prompt for Fiction Monday hosted by Vinitha Dileep. The picture reminded me of my dark thoughts from which there seemed to be no respite till I got the courage to get professional help. Getting help is not a weakness. It is a smart move which…

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A realisation

I look out of the window and I see his face. He seems to be mocking me. My legs give way and I stagger back to my bed. The next time I wake up it is dark outside but still he stands there in my line of vision. Why does he torment me so? Why…

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