बर्थडे ब्लॉग तो बनता है!

It’s my birthday! ( Actually it was yesterday. This blog was supposed to be up last night) The last one in the 50s. Next year I will be old! I will be 60.

But there is still a long time for that to happen. One whole year; 365 days. And for some reason, (I don’t really know why), I want this year to be a memorable one. 

I want each moment in the coming year to count. I want each moment to be special. It doesn’t matter if it is happy or sad. I want to be there in that moment and live and experience it to the fullest. 

Since covid, I have stopped doing so many things. I stopped writing as much. I stopped my walks. I stopped my yoga. I stopped going out if I could help it, whether to buy vegetables or just meet friends.

I want to be in charge of my life this year. Not my illnesses, not my fears, not my past trauma. I want to decide everyday how my life is going to be, what I will do, who I let into my life. 

My friend Corinne is on a 66 day journey of healing, and has daily posts to share with her readers on her blog “Everyday Gyaan”. These posts have inspired me to go on a journey this year too; an adventure if you will, and I want to document every step of the way.

Start: the beginning of the journey

Since you can’t go on a journey if you don’t start, December is going to be all about starting doing things again. My walks, yoga, writing , getting out of the house. 

I am also going to start looking at my classes and writing more seriously, as a business. I need to do that if I am going to succeed the way I want to. Last week I was having a  conversation with my sisters and I realised that they looked at what I was doing as something to earn an income, but nothing more than that. And it struck me that I portray my work as something much less than it is, so obviously that is how people will perceive it.

Last month I took part in  Amber McCue’s Planathon 2024, which made me take a long hard look at what I was doing. I am now ready to make my courses and my writing “My Business”. This means serious planning and more importantly execution with the help of my mentor, Ryana, to keep me on track.

So with these wonderful people as inspiration, I have taken my first steps on this journey. I know it’s going to be awesome, because I mean to make it so.

Sunita life at 59 , ,

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