This flash fiction is written in response to the fifty ninth edition of Fiction Monday hosted on Reflections by Vinitha Dileep.  I chose both the picture prompt and the word prompt . If you like it, do say so in the comments. I would love to hear from you.


Photo by Picography on

She sat on the ground, with her back leaning against the tree trunk. She needed this peace, away from the fingers pointing accusingly. The last two months had been just too much. It looked like there were dementors all around trying to suck all the happiness from her soul, and though she fought back, she felt she was fighting a losing battle. The darkness threatened to overpower. She was hanging by a thin thread.

She sighed and dug into her bag for her pen and notebook, her only friends in a world that made no sense. But instead her hand closed around something else. She pulled it out and laughed. Oh there was still hope in this world, she thought as she nibbled at the big bar of chocolate that her mother has slipped into her bag that morning.

Sunita Fiction Monday

12 Replies

  1. Beautifully told, Sunita and so very relatable! Hope is such a wonderful word, isn’t it? What would our life be and what would we be without it?

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