Sometime ago, Corinne Rodrigues had blogged about her word of the year. The concept intrigued me and as I read about it, I realised it really made more sense to have a word or phrase around which you want your year to revolve. What is Word Of The Year all about? Corinne has explained it very well in her blog and I am going to quote her here.

“In case you’re wondering what this word of the year business is all about, let me explain. I came across the idea that it is better to choose one word/ phrase for the year than have a list of New Year’s resolutions that don’t work. I know it helps me to see my life through the lens of that one word/phrase and focus on it. It helps me go through the year more positively and not feel burdened by guilt about resolutions I didn’t keep.”

I pondered over this and spoke to my daughters and mother about it, asking them what their word of the year would be. Natasha who has really been ill and down for most of last year, said her word was, “Zesty” as she wanted to get back her energy and start living life again.

Nakita chose tranquillity and my mom chose sleep.

I realised that all our words reflected how we had grown over the last year and what we had missed out on and had come to treasure the most.

My word is “Me”. The minute I thought of it, I immediately felt “OMG! That sounds so selfish!” and I realised that that is exactly the reason I need to make it my word of the year. I have to stop feeling that I am being selfish every time I put myself first. I need to stop making other people’s opinion matter so much that I end up losing myself in the process of trying to appease every one.

As I said in my last post of last year, 2017 was a mean mom of a year and I realised that if I don’t take care of myself no one else will. Not because they don’t care, but because they are busy looking after themselves.

When I say that my word of the year is this small two letter word, “Me”, I am looking at so many aspects of myself.

It stands for a healthier “Me” which means no missing out on meds, regular checkups, my physiotherapy or my daily walks.  It means eating healthy and taking the time to plan my food.

It stands for “Me” as a writer, which means no excuses to not write. It means having the confidence to commit to writing everyday and grooming myself to be a better writer.

Focusing on “Me” would mean gardening and dancing and reading and playing more with my dog, Muffin. It would mean giving myself permission to be happy even if I goof up. It would mean forgiving myself for perceived mistakes. It would mean loving myself first.

So what is your word of the year? Do share it in the comments section.

Sunita #woty, #woty2018, My 500 words

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