
She looked down at the coffin, and then at the mourners around; the friends, family, neighbours who  had all come to console her in her grief. She looked at them as if through a veil, from somewhere far, far away. She could barely take it in.  He lay in the coffin, still and dead, helpless,…

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This post is written in response to the two hundred and thirty fifth edition of Fiction Monday hosted on Void Thoughts by Vinitha Dileep. The prompt for this edition is delay. If you like it, do say so in the comments. I would love to hear from you. He rang the door bell, his hands sweating. “Would she still be…

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The Stage

The stage is my friend. My home. Ironic really… A hardcore introvert, I hate interacting with humans. The stage is different. On it, I am different. I am so many different people. I am confident, I am cunning, I am innocent… I am part of something bigger. I am all that I can’t otherwise be….

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