Why did you not let me eat the pigeon, Mamma?

This morning, Muffin chased and caught a pigeon. This was the first time she had ever done something like that! 

Though I yelled at her to let it go, she held on to it tenaciously. It was only when I whacked her hard on her rump, that she dropped it. Of course by then the poor pigeon had died of fright!

To tell the truth, a part of me was in awe of the way Muffin transformed from a timid, docile dog to a fierce huntress. I would have allowed her to eat the pigeon under normal circumstances, because that is as nature would have it. However, she has a very delicate stomach and the slightest change in her diet, causes her not only to lose control of her bowel movements but also to lose a lot of blood in the process. 

So I had to stop her as I knew it was bad for her. She of course couldn’t understand why I had deprived her of her trophy and has been sulking all day. 

Come to think of it, doesn’t the universe work like that too? We think we deserve something. We work so hard for it. By rights it should be ours! But then the trophy is pulled away and we are left bewildered and sulking. 

Over the years, I have realized, that it’s just a loving way of the universe saying, “No, my child, that’s not for you. You had to walk down this path to learn things which you will need for what is truly for you. Trust me!”

Once I started trusting the universe, life has become so much less stressful. It’s not that I sit back and do nothing; I plan, I (try to) execute my plans, but I don’t worry about the outcome. I leave that to the universe. 

And right now, the universe seems to be smiling because in the last few days, I have had orders coming in for my book, “Who Shall I Be Today”, from unexpected sources. I am so glad and so grateful to the universe. 

If you would like a paperback copy of my book and if you are in India, you can order it using this link. If you would like a kindle version of it, you can download it here

Sunita Life , , , ,

One Comment

  1. I think if Lucky got a chance, she’d do the same. She’s always chasing birds, trying to go aerial too!
    I agree with your reflection about how the Universe works!
    Good luck with the book. 🙂

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