Is Anyone Ever Ready?

Image by Rebecca Scholz from Pixabay My nephew got married on the 15th of this month. I remember the day he was born. We were so excited to see him. A tiny little bundle wrapped up in a baby blanket. And now here he was, all suited and booted, ready to walk down the aisle. Looking at him,…

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Losing Our Idealistic View Of The World.

There are moments in life, when you are thrown a question and you are stumped for an answer. Last night, my student, Anmol, send me a message saying, “Teacher, Mummy and Daddy told me that there are bad people in real life like they show in the movies. Is it true?’ Now, this question hit…

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Mortality And Life

Yesterday was my 60th birthday and I had great plans for the day. I was on my way to Matheran where I was to conduct a writer’s retreat. As we climbed the ghats, a close friend called me to wish me. Hearing her cheerful voice made me smile. Though it also made me a bit…

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For a reason, for a season

Have you ever wondered why some people (both the two legged and the four legged) come into your life, and just when you get really attached to them, they leave? My daughter says they come to teach you something or give you something you need at that point in your life. And sometimes you are…

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