Every Wednesday morning at 10 AM, my friend Corinne and I meet virtually to write for an hour.

We meet across Zoom with our cameras on and write. We are “accountability partners” as they say.

The problem is, I don’t like the term accountability partners. To me, it brings up a vision of teachers wagging a cane at you and saying, “ You’d better sit down and write. Be responsible. Fulfill your commitment.”

And I, being the free-spirited sagittarian that I am, I hate that image. I don’t want to be held accountable. I want to have fun writing!

So I’m going to replace the phrase “accountability partner” with “writing buddy”.

Now  that brings up a totally different vision. It makes me think of deep sofas  you can sink into, feet drawn up beneath you, a nice cup of chai, lovely notebooks, pens, and rainbows outside the window. Sharing this with my buddy is comfortable, safe.

I can visualize both of us, each in our own homes, our own cities yet bound together with these magical bonds of imagination, emotion and words. Each creating a piece of writing that comes from the soul!

Writing buddy or accountability partner, which one do you prefer?

P.S. Would you like to join us on these writing sprints? Do let me know in the comments.

13 Replies

  1. It’s so good that you and Corinne are doing this, Sunita. A writing buddy is great to help you stay on track. It sounds better than an accountability partner. Friendlier, definitely. 🙂

    1. It is really helpful. I have never written or posted so often before. Just the fact that you know you are not alone, somehow, makes the writing easier.

          1. That would be 9:30 pm for me. I think I can manage since the objective of the session is to write and not talk. I can’t have sensible conversations past 9 pm.

    1. Hain na? And the truth is, no one is really holding anyone accountable. We are just there for each other, understanding that it is difficult to sometimes write alone and supporting each other in our endeavour.

    1. Exactly. It’s that comfortable feeling of knowing you are not alone, that someone else is also on this journey with you that makes it so much easier to write.

  2. Seems interesting. May be some day when routine is more eased out or when I have the guts to take time exclusively for myself.

    1. Kameshwari, you are more than welcome to join us whneever you can. You can be part of the group and join in whenever you can. That’s the best part of it. There is no force, there is no one holding a gun to your head, no one judging you.

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