Review: Why go Indie? 6 reasons for Self Publishing(TBC Writer’s Toolkit Series) by Devika Fernando

Why Go Indie?: 6 Reasons for Self-Publishing (TBC Writer’s Toolkit Book 1)  by Devika Fernando    Have you ever thought of going indie? Are you a traditionally published author interested in switching to self-publishing? Or an aspiring author looking at various publishing options?    This concise booklet will show you reasons to go indie and…

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Book Review : Blind Certainly is love by Reshma Ranjan

  BLIND, CERTAINLY IS LOVE by Reshma Ranjan My Review: Just the other day, a few friends were talking about why we read and review books. I review books because I love reading and I generally pick up a book hoping to enjoy it. Unfortunately, “Blind, Certainly is Love”, is not a book I enjoyed…

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