Every teacher has one of these. That rebel of a student who she always scolds but who always brings a smile to her heart.

My student

He exasperates me,

Makes me tear my hair out.

It’s all I can do to keep calm

And not yell or shout.

The other students complain,

That he won’t let them write.

The  smallest excuse is enough

For him to get into a fight.

He never can sit still,

Without question he won’t obey.

But the class is so boring

When he isn’t there any day.

He’ll push me to my limits

Make me give more than my best

His super intelligent brains

Sure put mine to the test.

And just when I despair,

He gives an impish grin,

And such awesome work,

That my heart just caves in.

Yes, he can drive me crazy

Though he’s only nine

But he reminds me why I love teaching

This irritating student of mine.



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