Teachers and Gurus

The 5th of September and social media is flooded with messages to teachers, whether we truly remember them or not. The reason we celebrate this day as teacher’s day is because when the second President of India, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan,was approached by his students requesting permission to celebrate his birthday as a special day, he…

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“Saathiya” Peer educators!

This morning at breakfast, my daughter suddenly shouted, “What? I can’t believe it! Is this really happening? In India? Under the BJP rule? Oh wow! I wonder whose brain child this is!” “What are you talking about?” I asked her. And she showed me this post http://indianexpress.com/article/india/same-sex-attraction-is-ok-boys-can-cry-girls-no-means-no-health-ministry-sex-education-4535410/ I must say, I am really impressed. To…

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Have You Finished Your Homework?

  Over  the last few days, there have been a lot of messages on social media regarding kids who are missing. Most of them have thankfully been found again, but the trend is scary, because a lot of these kids have run away from home or school. The comments on the social media groups regarding…

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